Did you ever skip stones when you were a kid? Pebble after pebble, you throw a tiny rock as far as our arm’s length and strength will allow. Once the pebbles hit the surface of the water, they slowly begin to sink out of sight. No-one actually sees where the rock ends up, but we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will have eventually reached the bottom of the water.

Much like a stone on the water, the faith we use in prayer works the same way. When we speak to God, whether it’s through writing, song, or mediation, our hearts echo our thankfulness to Him. We can speak to God anywhere we desire. The car, the shower, or the traditional bedroom – no place is off-limits. Each of us has a prayer ritual that we follow. As Christians, it is our joyful duty to always pray genuinely from our hearts.
Just as we don’t “see” the stone hit the water’s bottom, we never “see” our prayers entering God’s ears. However, it is our faith in His goodness and His divine mercy that allows each of us to know that we have been heard.
“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.” – Psalm 145:18 NIV
God hears you. He knows you. While the answers to our prayers don’t always come as swiftly as we would like; we must continue to have faith in knowing we have been heard.