Category: Devotionals
Extra Grace Required
I have a friend in Staten Island who is probably one of the wisest women I have ever met. She is always poised, cool, calm, and collected. Whenever she dresses for work there is never a hair out of place or a crinkle in her […]
Why Trust God?
Do you trust your significant other? Your parents? Your friends? I am sure many of you are sitting there shaking your heads “yes” in agreement? Why is that? The answer is simple – the key to any relationship is trust. Without trust, there can be […]
Taking the Time to Listen
As a blind woman, physically seeing the world around me is no easy task. However, losing my sight did cause me to become a better listener. I know that if I want to hear the voice of God then I need to be willing to […]
Finding Peace In An Uncertain World
I was in the middle of a meeting last night when the U.S. Capitol was overrun following a historic day of havoc. I came down the stairs to see my husband sitting on the couch glued to the news. He had exiled our kids to […]
Blind Motherhood gives me something that feeds my soul. This site and the ability to create and connect with others provide me purpose. Each of us needs to get to know who we are deep within ourselves. You have to be you. Nobody but you. […]
People often ask me, “How have you accomplished so much in life as a blind person?” Much of what I have done comes from a combination of my faith and an innate sense of resiliency. Within these two realms, there is also a deep sense […]
God Hears You
Did you ever skip stones when you were a kid? Pebble after pebble, you throw a tiny rock as far as our arm’s length and strength will allow. Once the pebbles hit the surface of the water, they slowly begin to sink out of sight. […]